Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Have you seen the billboard?

"Keep healthy, get your flu vaccine"

Every time I pass this billboard on I-94, my initial thought is that I will keep healthy.  However I will keep healthy by NOT getting the flu vaccine!  My plan for keeping healthy will be a little different than injecting my body with a vaccine full of chemicals to be injected into my body to protect me from only ONE strain of the flu (H1N1 flu virus, bird virus, swine virus, etc).  Not to mention the chemicals which potentially could have side effects.  Being that there are more than ONE strain of the flu, I would rather focus on a different approach.
I would rather focus on keeping a healthy immune system which is strong and can rid itself of any germ, bacteria or virus that comes my way.  So when it comes to the flu, cold or any other sickness, I focus on investing in things that will build my immune system up to fight EVERY strain of the flu, bacteria, virus or germ I come in contact with. 

 I will build my immune system by
1) getting the proper amount of rest
2) providing my body with the proper nutrition to make strong, healthy cells
3) drink the appropriate amount of water.  This is calculated by taking my body weight and dividing it in half.  This equals the ounces of water I need to drink daily.
4) taking good quality supplements, when necessary
5) and of course, making sure my nerve system is free of nerve interference.  Since every single cell, organ and system (including the immune system) is controlled by the nerve system

Growing up, I would probably have believed this billboard.  I believed that health came from a pill or from the outside.  When I was sick, my parents would take me to the Medical Doctor.  The MD would give me a prescription for amoxicillin.  I would take it and my body would get better.  It was not until I was able to drive that I realized that my body could actually heal itself.  I would drive myself to our family medical doctor per my parents’ request.  I would get the script for amoxicillin but I would not drive to the pharmacy.  Instead I would drive home and sleep.  And, by surprise (seriously!), my body would heal….even without the amoxicillin. 

Today I have an understanding of where health comes from.   I trust that taking care of my body will result in true health.    

Dr. Pam Tomaszycki, D.C.