Friday, October 30, 2015

Does the CANDY FAIRY come to your home?

Parents, what do you do with all the candy your children get during Halloween?  Do you let them eat all they want?  Do you put a limit to one candy per day?  Do you get tired of having all that candy around your home?  Do you not like your children to have all of that candy because it is not good for them or for you?

Solution.  Have the Candy Fairy visit your home!  Every year since our children began trick-or-treating, the Candy Fairy has stopped by our home.  The Candy Fairy will visit your home in the middle of the night on Halloween or even the next night.  Whenever it is convenient to your family.  The Candy Fairy magically visits your home and takes the bags of candy that is laid by the front door.  She will leave a gift or money in exchange for the candy.  Similar to what the tooth fairy does.  The tooth fairy will take a tooth and leave money. 

Benefit.  There is not an excess of candy around your home, making each person in the home unhealthy.  The children also get an opportunity to have fun on Halloween and they end up with something they would enjoy just as much as the candy.

This is how it works in our home.  My children will collect candy at school and church functions.  They will also collect it during trick-or-treating.  They then get to eat a couple of pieces along the way as well as pick 10 of their favorite pieces of candy and put it in a Ziploc bag.  The pretzels, chips and other items like this is set to the side and given out throughout the week in their lunches or given as snacks.  Prizes or money collected by each child is also kept for themselves.  My children then put the rest of the candy into bags which will be set at the front door for the Candy Fairy.

When the Candy Fairy comes, she collects the candy and leaves the prize or money.  She then will take all the candy that she has collected from all of the homes to other boys and girls throughout the world that were not able to celebrate Halloween.     

Dr. Pam Tomaszycki, D.C.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

"Growing Pains"

Have you said or have you heard someone use these words?  What does this mean?  Does it really hurt to grow?  Should it?

Coming from a mother raising 3 children whose ages are currently 5, 8 and 10, I know that growing should not hurt.  However children injure themselves almost daily.  From learning to walk, to playing sports, playing on the playground, rough housing, wrestling with dads or each other, and many more ways.

These minor bumps and bangs jam and jar the spine or other joints in the body.  If the injuries are not corrected they heal possibly misaligned and stuck.  Then those areas begin to grow but due to the injuries left uncorrected, the child experiences a discomfort or pains.  Some people have accepted the term "growing pains" as a reality.  They haven't been taught how to care for their spine or joints let alone know how to take care of their children's spine or joints.

My children have complaints of knee pain, foot pain, neck ache, headache, etc.  They get their spine checked.  If misalignments are located, the misalignments are corrected.  The body heals.  And instantly they are better.

I know parents want the best for the children.  I know that if they understood the importance of regular spinal checks, they would invest in their child's health.  I believe that parents don't want their children to have "growing pains" or to hurt.

Schedule an appointment to have your spine and your children's spine checked today.  Make sure you schedule with the specialist in this area, a doctor of chiropractic!

Dr. Pam Tomaszycki, D.C.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Vertebral Subluxation

“When chiropractors use this phrase, vertebral subluxation, they refer to mechanical compression and irritation to spinal joints and nerves”.   The strong bones of the spine have been designed to protect the delicate nerve system.  The brain, spinal cord, and nerves are part of the nerve system.  Your brain is your master controller.  Your brain sends messages to all parts of the body through the spinal cord and out through the nerves. 
The nerve system is like the electrical wires in a home.  You have a Electrical Box that is like the Brain.  The wires run out from the electrical box to the areas of your home, like your T.V., lights, refrigerator, etc.    What happens if the wire running to your T.V. is pinched, kinked or even severed, will your T.V. work?  Well, of course, not!
The same thing happens in your body, when there is interference between the electrical box (brain) and the parts of the house (body), then that part of the house (body) will not be able to work or will work (function) at a less than optimal level.
Therefore vertebral subluxation can affect the body in many ways.  For one person, it could show up as back pain. For another person it could be ear infections or gastrointestinal complaints or (fill in the blank).

Dr. Pam Tomaszycki, D.C.