Friday, January 15, 2016

Are you “PATCHING” your health like the roads?

As I was driving across M-59 this morning, I became very aware of the condition of the roads as I hit a pothole and dodged to avoid others.  The section of road that I was driving on was covered in asphalt patches.  Holes that were filled with asphalt due to damage from the cars and weather. Chunks of the patches were coming out again leaving the holes. 

I am sure that we see how the roads are taking care of and how the problems are corrected.  At first they attempt to patch the holes as a temporary fix.  Eventually they may spend more time and money to remove a big portion of the concrete by cutting out a couple square feet and then fill it in with new concrete.  Down the line, the inevitable happens, and the entire road has to be torn out and the new put in.  This can be very expensive and time consuming.
My mind began wander, connecting the road conditions to how people take care of their health.  When their health begins to crumble or fall apart, they “patch” it or cover it up with medications and/or pain pills.  When the next big “pot hole” is created or major health challenge comes along, they again cover up with more patching.  Perhaps now the patch does not work and now they have to actually remove a portion of the body that is not working properly with surgery.  BUT what happens to your health when it continues to crumble?

We are given only one body.  A body that has exactly the right number of parts that it needs to function perfectly when maintained and taken care of.  We cannot totally remove the portion of our body that has totally malfunctioned like that 1 mile stretch of the road.  The damage is done and a lot of it is permanent.  Now what do you do?  What decisions do you have to make?  Tough ones! 

The road to healing is not an easy one.  It is a road that takes time and a financial investment.  Perhaps your health is worth it to you; perhaps it is not.    If it is, there are healthy lifestyle changes you can make that can begin to make a difference like eating healthy, drinking water, exercising, and adding chiropractic as a part of your routine to allow for some healing to take place.

So the choice is up to each of us.  Do you take care of your health like the roads?  Or do you focus on doing all that you can to take care of the ONE body that you have; and the health of that one body during your entire lifetime? 

Pamela L. Tomaszycki, D.C.

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