Monday, April 25, 2016


I have heard this analogy a couple of times.  If you want to know what a person’s roots are, then look at the fruits being produced.  This could be used in so many situations like health, relationships, finances, etc.

The roots are created by what we have been taught growing up and what we continuously hear over and over again by people, media, music, television, and internet.  Our roots continue to be developed by what we learn as we go through life.  Our roots determine what we invest our time, energy and money.  These roots will soon produce our fruits; the things we see in our life.

There is a verse in the Bible that states, “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord.  He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.” (Jer. 17:7-8) 

 A question that each of us can ask ourselves is what are the fruits being produced in our life’s?  Are we are proud of the fruits?  Are we excited to be producing these types of fruits?  Or are you not happy with the roots?  Answering these questions may be the biggest challenge.  Once you can identify the fruits that you like and the ones you don’t like, you can choose to continue to nurture the roots that produce the fruits you like.  You can also change the roots that produced those fruits you don’t like.  Know that it may not be a quick fix; it may not happen in one day; it may take a commitment and a desire to make a change. 

I see this daily in the healthcare industry.  I am blessed to care for patients that are seeking answers to their health challenge; to pain.  I offer a solution to correct the cause of the problem.  To correct the misalignments of the spine that are interfering with the nerve system function appropriately.  If your roots have been that you need to care for your spine like you do your teeth or your body, then you probably already have been seeking chiropractic care to ensure that your spine remains free of decay.  However if in your roots, you were not taught the importance of caring for your spine, then you probably have decay that has set in over the years. 

When it comes to health, some people will have the roots that are based in “quick fixes”.  They will choose to cover up their symptoms with medications or just remove the part that is not functioning without considering the long term effects.  The question to ask yourself, is how is it working for you?  Is it producing the quality of life that you want?

It’s our roots that will determine our future and whether our “leaves will remain green throughout our life”.  Our roots, when it comes to our health, will determine what our retirement years will be like.  I choose quality!  What do you choose?

Pam Tomaszycki, D.C.